Tailored Solutions For Your Business And Real Estate Litigation Needs


Scope creep in construction contracts 

Construction contracts contain important information about the entire project. This document should include the type of work that’s being done, a description of the project, the deadlines, materials that will be used, and payment information.  It’s important to be as...

3 tips to prevent a construction dispute

While you can never entirely rule out the chance that a customer finds fault with a piece of construction work you did, you can certainly reduce the chance you end up in legal problems over it. Taking a few precautionary measures when first dealing with the customer...

2 questions to ask in a construction dispute

If you own a business in the construction industry, it’s important to accept that you can’t please everyone, all of the time. It’s inevitable, that one day, you will have a client who is unhappy about something. That might be the end client, or it might be someone you...